Most computers divide their files among directories, which are equivalent to folders on the Macintosh. In order to get a file you should first go to the proper directory. Fetch displays the name of the current directory above the list on the left side of the window. The list contains the names of the files and sub-directories in the current directory.
If you have signed on to your current directory should be “pub”, and there should be some files and folders visible in the file list. However there are few interesting files in this directory, so you will have to change the current directory.
You can change directory in several ways. The simplest is to double-click on the name of a sub-directory in the list. You can try this by double-clicking on the name “mac” in the current file list. The current directory will change to “mac” and the file list will show the names in that sub-directory. If you click on the name of the current directory you will see a pop-up menu showing the current directory and its ancestors, in this case “mac,” “pub,” and “/.” Choosing one of these takes us back to that directory.